Today we will look at the 1st section of THE WASTE LAND by T.S. Eliot.
You should think about breaking this section up into four speakers. Eliot was working with dramatic monologues. You should also think about his allusions in this section:
1) The title to THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER (as for burial services)
2) Allusions to Ezekiel, Ecclesiastes, Isiah
3) Allusions to WWI
4) Allusions to Dante's Inferno
5) Allusions to Tristan and Isolte
6) Walt Whitman
7) Chaucer
8) Drowning
9) Greek Mythology
10) Tarot Cards - and fate
11) Other religions
Also think about winter, spring and seasons.
We'll talk in depth about your insights.
Can you connect this poem with THE GREAT GATSBY? You should!
Alaskan Alliance Against Administrative Waste!
14 years ago